Motoare Mitsubishi


Motopompe incendiu

Proiectul a constat in realizarea unui lot de 20 de motopompe de stins incendiu, echipate cu motoare diesel Mitsubishi 34.6 kW/ 2500 rpm, proiectate si asamblate ‘in-house’ de Watermota SRL. Motopompele au fost dotate cu panouri de comanda ComAp, pompe monoetajate Rovatti si rezervoare Nuova Rade.

Watermota Romania continues expansion

It’s a cliché as old as the hills but hard work does pay off. For engines and generators company WaterMota Romania based in Constanta, this is certainly the case.

The company was formed in 2008 and has now reached a turnover of more than 1.25m Euros against a background of a quiet shipbuilding market and reduced […]